Attorney(s): Antonio Grillo, Raye Futerfas

Settlement: $299,000 Settlement

Our client was struck and killed while walking on Route 4 in Paramus, New Jersey.   It is believed he was coming from a Verizon store where he had gone to have his cell phone looked at.  He worked at the nearby Modells, so he was familiar with the roadway.  Our client was not a driver, and took the bus back and forth to work every day and often walked to different locations.

The defendant testified that he did not see the deceased until impact, but that he was alive and breathing when he was placed in an ambulance.  He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

The estate’s Jacoby & Meyers attorney settled the case before trial.


  • Attorneys Antonio Grillo, Raye Futerfas
  • Case Manager Ana Da Silva
  • Paralegal Sandy Veringa
  • Adjustor Chad Plonski
  • Calendar Coordinator Nicole Oliva
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