Attorney(s): Trial Partner Linda Armatti-Epstein

Settlement: $1,000,000 verdict

When an ambulette company chose to hire a driver who did not have the proper class of license to drive an ambulette in NYC, it was inevitable a crash would happen.  Our client was a health care worker who was with her patient in the back of an ambulette in stop and go traffic in Manhattan.  Cars on the entering side street had a stop sign.  The ambulette driver didn’t let the car in and struck the front right corner of the car.  In addition to hiring an unqualified driver, the ambulette company never trained their driver.  In addition, the crash happened the first day the driver was not being supervised.

Throughout the trial, the ambulette company blamed the entire crash on the car entering from the side street.  The jury saw right through this defense and held the ambulette company 33% responsible and the car 67% responsible.   While there was very little property damage to either vehicle and our client did not seek any medical treatment for two weeks, a jury found her subsequent surgery to her neck was from the crash and rendered a verdict totaling $1,000,000.

The case was tried by Trial Partner Linda Armatti-Epstein.

In order to effectively tell our client’s story we often use case animations. These customized, lifelike depictions of the events that lead to our client’s injuries allow opposing council, and in some cases jury members/judges, to walk in our client’s shoes and gain a better understanding of how the ordeal unfolded.

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