Can I Sue the City if I Was Hit By a City Bus?

Many people depend on public transportation daily, including city buses. These vehicles make frequent stops, [...]

What Happens if a Road Hazard Caused My Motorcycle Accident?

Motorcycle accidents often result from road hazards, for which local governments and other parties may [...]

​Children and Window Safety: Keeping Your Kids Safe

The warmer temperatures and cool breezes of late spring tempt many people to open windows [...]

When Do Motorcycles Have the Right of Way?

There are often many misconceptions about the right of way and who has it, especially [...]

Can I Sue After a Car Accident?

According to the National Safety Council (NSC), more than 42,000 people died in car accidents [...]

What Is the Statute of Limitations in a Car Accident Claim?

After a car accident, you often have a lot on your plate. You may have [...]

What Happens After You Get Road Rash in the Bronx?

Road rash is a painful, potentially dangerous wound often caused by motorcycle accidents. It results [...]

Rear-end Collisions Are the Most Common Type of Traffic Accident

Of the millions of traffic accidents that happen annually in the United States, none are [...]

Why You Need a Bad Faith Insurance Lawyer After a Claim Denial

When you pay insurance premiums faithfully, you expect your insurance company to pay any claims [...]

Can Motorcycles Be Safe?

Motorcyclists enjoy the experience of riding motorcycles, but they present certain safety risks that are [...]

How Car Insurance Lawyers Can Help You

Car accidents are the most common cause of personal injury cases, and statistically, most drivers [...]

What to Do After a Brooklyn Car Accident That Was Not Your Fault

In the blink of an eye, your entire life can change. Little did you know [...]

You Can Collect Compensation for PTSD From a Car Accident

Car accidents commonly cause physical injuries and financial difficulty. But that’s not all. Victims also [...]

Wrongful death settlement raises structural integrity concerns at Palisades Mall

A family has settled a $1.6 million wrongful death lawsuit against the owners of the [...]

Who Pays for Rear-End Collisions?

Rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of car accidents, accounting for thousands [...]

​When to Hire an Attorney After a Car Accident

While there are many tips available about what to do at the scene of an [...]

What to Do if a Car Hits You From Behind

A rear-end collision often causes devastating damage. It can result in serious injuries, immense damage [...]

What Is Considered Reckless Driving?

Many behaviors on the road can pose a substantial risk to other drivers, pedestrians, cyclists, [...]

​What Happens if You Get Sideswiped?

A sideswipe is a common but dangerous type of traffic accident that can easily trigger [...]

How Can You Tell Who Hit Who in a Car Accident?

After a car accident, determining who caused the accident and which party hit the other [...]