Although motorcycle accidents can occur for many reasons, some causes result in tragic accidents more frequently than others. The following post provides information about these causes and your legal options if you suffered harm in a motorcycle accident. You will learn about your rights following a collision and how an experienced motorcycle accident attorney can help you fight for the justice and compensation you deserve.
Driving Under the Influence
Even though it has been made clear that individuals should never drink and drive, motorists continue to put their lives in danger, as well as others, by partaking in this activity. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, every day, around 32 people are killed in a drunk-driving accident, or about a person every 45 minutes.
Because alcohol reduces the brain’s function, which impacts reasoning, muscle coordination, and thinking, it impairs a person’s ability to operate a vehicle safely. For these reasons, if a driver decides to get behind the wheel while under the influence, it can lead to horrifying injuries and death to other drivers, pedestrians, and motorcyclists.
Distracted Driving
Distracted driving is dangerous and deadly, as thousands of lives are taken annually because individuals decide not to focus on the road when operating their motor vehicles. This type of driving behavior is an act that takes away the driver’s attention from the road, including texting, eating, and even grooming while driving. Anything that stops a driver from operating their vehicle safely on the roads.
Consequently, motorists operating their vehicles while distracted are more likely to be involved in a collision with other vehicles and motorcyclists, resulting in serious injuries and fatalities.
Reckless Driving and Excessive Speeding
Speeding is a type of aggressive driving that occurs when a motorist does not obey the posted speed limit, passes another vehicle illegally, changes lanes erratically, follows another vehicle too closely, or engages in racing. However, due to this driving behavior, over 11,000 people are killed on the roads yearly.
In addition, the consequences of speeding also tend to include the following:
- A higher potential for losing control of the motor vehicle
- An inability to stop when a motorist recognizes there is danger on the road
- A higher degree of crash severity in an accident
- A more significant economic impact as a result of speed-related collisions
Dangerous Road Conditions
Hazardous road conditions can cause significant issues for motorcyclists, especially with their narrow frame, smaller size, and only two wheels.
Yet, while countless road conditions can contribute to a motorcycle accident, some of the more common road hazards that tend to result in accidents include:
- Street potholes
- Slippery surfaces
- Uneven pavement
- Debris or gravel on the roads, which can cause issues with traction
- A buildup of exhaust and oil residue from cars standing in one place too long
Opening Doors in Front of a Motorcyclist
When a driver or passenger of a vehicle opens their door in front of an oncoming motorcyclist, the rider will likely end up colliding with the door, resulting in severe injuries, or try to swerve around the door and end up crashing into another vehicle or stationary object.
As a result, motorists opening their doors without checking for a rider can cause accidents and devastating consequences for those on motorcycles.
Poor Weather Conditions
Ice, rain, and snow on the roads can lead to treacherous conditions. That is why motorists should take precautions when heading out in poor weather.
Unfortunately, this does not always happen, and when drivers:
- Go too fast in inclement weather
- Make unsafe lane changes
- Improperly try to pass a motorcyclist, or
- Tailgate too closely to riders
It can lead to horrifying motorcycle accidents, causing riders to suffer debilitating injuries and losses.
A Left-Hand Turn
These types of accidents usually happen when a driver does not recognize an oncoming motorcyclist as they are making a left-hand turn, causing them to crash into the rider as they are turning.
These accidents often occur because a motorist does not see a motorcyclist approaching the intersection or misjudges how fast they are going and believes they have time to make their turn. However, regardless of why these accidents happen, crashes near intersections are quite common. The Federal Highway Administration claims that more than 50 percent of total injuries and fatal crashes occur near or at intersections.
Crashes with Stationary Objects
Another common cause of a motorcycle accident is a motorcycle crashing into a stationary object because of a third party, such as when:
- A rider has to swerve around a roadway hazard, including potholes, parked cars, or a pedestrian who unexpectedly blocks their path and slams into an object.
- An impaired or distracted driver cuts into a motorcyclist’s lane, and the rider is run off the roadway and into a stationary object.
- A truck drops cargo into the road, and the rider crashes into the cargo or tries to avoid it and slams into another object.
Motorcycle Defects
When a motorcycle contains defective parts, these defects can lead to tragic accidents, even when motorcyclists operate their bikes cautiously. However, in these situations, if a faulty bike causes an accident, the distributors, manufacturers, and others in the distribution channel can be held liable for these accidents and resulting damages.
Other Causes of Motorcycle Crashes
Though the above are some common causes of motorcycle accidents, if you were injured in a crash for a reason not indicated above but believe it was due to another person’s recklessness, negligence, or intentional actions, reach out to an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. These skilled legal professionals can review your accident, determine if you have a viable claim, and help you determine the legal options you can pursue.
Typical Injuries That Result From a Motorcycle Collision
Although motorcycle collisions can lead to debilitating trauma and differ in severity and type depending on the circumstances, these accidents frequently result in the following injuries:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord damage
- Road rash
- Broken bones
- Crushing injuries
- Amputated limbs
- Internal bleeding
- Organ damage
- Back injuries
- Neck trauma
- Soft tissue injuries
- Wrongful death
In addition, many of these injuries can lead to a lifelong need for extensive treatments that can become incredibly costly. That is why obtaining financial damages after this crash is important in ensuring you can continue to get the medical support you require. Thankfully, when you work with a skilled motorcycle accident attorney, these lawyers can help you secure the funds you need to ensure you can obtain the necessary medical treatments.
Holding Parties Responsible for a Motorcycle Accident
Following a motorcycle crash, there can be several parties liable for the collision, including:
- Other drivers, such as taxi drivers, rideshare drivers, motor vehicle drivers, and pedestrians
- Manufacturers, designers, and others in the distribution chain
- Mechanics, who took care of the bike
- Dealerships
- Governmental agencies responsible for street and road maintenance and design
However, because of the number of parties that can be held accountable for a motorcycle accident, it may be a good idea to contact an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer following your collision. These knowledgeable attorneys can determine who was responsible for your crash and help you hold those parties answerable for the harm and losses you suffered.
What Financial Damages Can You Purse After a Motorcycle Collision?
Depending on the circumstances of the collision, you may be able to pursue certain types of damages after a motorcycle collision. Damages are often broken down into the following categories:
Economic Damages
These types of damages refer to payment for the actual losses that result after an accident, including:
- Fees related to the medical treatment you received after the accident, including doctor visits, hospital stays, medications, surgeries, and other types of care
- Ongoing medical treatments
- Lost wages
- Reduced earning capacity
- Personal property damages, including replacement or repair costs
- Household replacement services
- Rehabilitative care
- Other costs
Non-economic Damages
These damages, on the other hand, refer to payment for the subjective losses that result from an accident, including
- Pain
- Suffering
- Mental distress
- Loss of activities
- Diminished quality of life
- Loss of consortium
Punitive Damages
While courts rarely grant these damages, they are awarded following certain motorcycle accidents if you prove the wrongful party behaved maliciously or recklessly. Punitive damages do not compensate a victim for their harm but punish the wrongful party and deter the behavior.
Consequently, if you want to figure out what financial remedies you can pursue after your motorcycle crash, consider speaking with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer. These skilled attorneys can determine which damages apply to you and prepare the strongest case to help you go after maximum damages.
The Amount of Money You Can Obtain Following a Motorcycle Accident
A motorcycle accident attorney can help you determine the types of financial damages you can fight for after a motorcycle accident. Still, they will not be able to tell you precisely how much money you can obtain from these accident claims.
Too many factors can affect your claim and payout, including:
- The severity and type of injuries that resulted from the motorcycle accident
- The ability to live a normal life after the accident
- The extent of the medical bills and continuing medical fees
- The prognosis of fully recovering from these injuries
- The pain and suffering sustained
- The ability to work following the crash
- The amount of lost wages
While these legal professionals cannot tell you exactly how much money you can recover, they can review how these factors impact your case, prepare persuasive arguments and help you pursue the damages you deserve.
How Can an Experienced Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Help You Fight for Your Legal Rights

Motorcycle Accident Lawyer, Andrew Finkelstein
If you or a loved one suffered harm in a motorcycle accident, do not deal with this tragic situation alone. If another person was responsible for your injuries and losses, now is the time to fight back and go after financial damages.
More importantly, with an experienced motorcycle accident attorney on your side, you will not have to take on this fight alone. Once hired, these lawyers can review what happened with you in detail, determine the legal options you can pursue, and help you figure out your next steps.
In addition, these attorneys can also:
- Review your concerns and provide the legal guidance you need during this difficult time.
- Hire experts to help substantiate your legal claim, including collision reconstructionists and financial experts.
- Gather documents, videos, and other evidence to help show what happened and who was responsible for the accident.
- Handle settlement discussions and fight tirelessly for a fair settlement amount.
- Fight for the maximum financial damages you are entitled to by taking your case to trial if required.
After a motorcycle collision, you have enough on your plate. Do not deal with these challenging ramifications on your own. Instead, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer today for a free case evaluation to find out how these attorneys can help you fight for the justice you want and the money you deserve.